More About Me

Dogs or Cats? I’m a dog person. I was raised with dogs and am currently on a waitlist for my first pup!

Tea or Coffee? Both! I am an equal opportunity caffeine consumer. Although I love an evening, non-caffeinated tea before bed.

Work Alone or on a Team? I am most productive on a team, but in a leadership position.

10 Things You’ll Love About Me. . .

  1. I’m always down for happy hour.

  2. They say that Irish women are known for their strength. 15 years of Irish dancing has taught me how to be strong woman.

  3. I’m a little bit of a neat freak. I enjoy a tidy space!

  4. I have three older sisters who made sure that I learned how to stand up for myself at a young age.

  5. Three words to describe me are detail oriented, bold and eager.

  6. I am very eager to learn, but also determined to master skills.

  7. I have an enormous sweet tooth.

  8. I like (almost) every genre of music.

  9. I feel most confident when I am being helpful.

  10. I do not like Reese’s, but that means more for you!